03 January 2010

Reader's Questions

NKB makes an excellent suggestion. Readers, ask frau-y questions. Once a month, I'll do a massive answerfest.

As a tease, I will say, cleaning cast iron isn't all that difficult. And, I'm with you about soap & water. In my book, something isn't clean unless soap has touched it. So, here's what I do. I scrape off food detritus/fat. Then, I use a gentle dish soap (I like the 7th Generation stuff) and sometimes a little squeeze of lemon juice to wash it out. I use a brush (no steel wool!!!) and some warm water. Then, I rinse it out immediately. Put it on the stove and turn heat to med. Let the water remaining on the skillet evaporate. Finally, give it a little brush of neutral oil with a paper towel.

The only real no-no with cast iron is letting it soak for long periods of time and putting it away wet.

See an early frau post, "she's so heavy" for more cast iron trivia.


vp said...

frau, what is considered a 'neutral oil' - vegetable?

cell member said...

yes, something without flavor. so soybean, vegetable (which is mostly soybean), canola, etc.