15 January 2010

kitchen essentials

listen most submarines have larger kitchens than mine. frau sheyda knows this. We must pare down some of our kitchen pots, pans, appliances etc. I would appreciate a frau endorsed list of ten must have items above and beyond the obvious dishes, tupperware and pot for boiling water. everything else must go.


cell member said...

i'm on the road right now but have been contemplating an equipment post. will comply when i get home.

Unknown said...

bottle opener!!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I bet my kitchen is smaller. I store things in my living room/ dining room/ bed room/ closet/ I have a studio. My crock-pot is sitting on my entertainment center.

Omnivore said...

one of those unmeltable spatulas, a le creuset crockpot, and a food processor (which can serve in place of blender, a bread (okay, dough) maker, and even a coffee grinder in a pinch... hell, I bet you could even open bottles with it, though that might get messy ;)