01 July 2010


frau -

can you give some guidance on hosting - dos and don'ts and maybe (and most importantly) ways to juggle cooking and hosting? when we have parties in the summer much of the cooking is done on the grill but an equal amount of prep work is done in the kitchen along with mixing drinks etc.

john ends up spending the entire first 2 hours of the party constantly making pitchers of drinks and working on odds and ends - then he doesn't get to talk to anyone....I mean who the hell wants to be in our cramped kitchen instead of sitting on the lake? not me.

what are the most important things to remember when being a good host?

1 comment:

cell member said...

You know, this has been a challenge for me too over the years. I always want to do more and more complicated stuff for parties and I wind up spending so much time in the kitch instead of being hosty. So, I solved this in two ways. First, the difficult way: I actually now have a kitchen that invites an audience. People can be drinky and snacky and I can go about my tasks. More feasible, I have really truly learned how to prep ahead. I look for recipes that allow for prepping. And, really, truly, I almost only make things that can be prepared before people show up. Obv, this is hard when you're grilling. BUT, so much of the other stuff can be done beforehand. Even the night before. I often stay up late the night before a dinner party just so I can be free the next day. It is all about planning.