04 May 2010

the incredible edible egg

there's a bar nearby that makes its own sour mix with egg whites. it makes a HUGE difference. I'm very intrigued about how to properly beat an egg white (please don't say a hand mixer because I'm not going to get a huge machine dirty for one egg white) - how do I know it's done?

also - please enjoy this link which discusses the revival of egg whites in old school cocktails. I want that gin fizz desperately but I must admit I'm one of those people that are afraid of raw eggs. madam frau, are they really safe to eat (well drink)?

p.s. where the heck does one get 'orange flower water' as indicated in the gin fizz recipe?


cell member said...

Ooh, such an exciting thing to think about. First, as far as raw eggs go, I eat raw egg with abandon because I buy my eggs from a local family who raise a small flock of chickens on pasture, without hormones/antibiotics, etc. I believe in local providers when it comes to stuff you need to be able to trust. It is a LOT more important to this family that they maintain the safety of their product than it is to whichever multi-national corp sells their eggs at the grocery store (even the organic ones). So, first thing you should do is go to your local farmer's market and ask around about local, fresh eggs. You can also check on localharvest.org for local resources.

Now, as for orange flower water, you can find this at any Mediterranean/Middle-Eastern store. Here is a list of Boston possibilities: http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/444098

Otherwise, you can order online from Sadaf Foods. While you're there, buy some pomegranate molasses. Oh my, so GOOD.

cell member said...

OH! Also, whipping egg whites. There are several stages of in the life of a beaten egg white, so "when it is done" depends on what you're doing with it.



As for what to use, hand whipping tazes forever and you need a balloon whisk. Having said that, it isn't impossible if you've got pythons for arms (even without...I can do it and I am made of dairy products and fried potatoes). Just make sure you use a non-plastic bowl and make sure the bowl is VERY VERY clean. Any oil at all will inhibit the whites from stiffening.

vp said...

man you really are hard core.

I NEVER would have known about the oil thing in the bowl.

this is why you are the frau and I am the minion.

Jenn said...

I have always just thrown the egg white into the cocktail shaker and *shakeashakeashakeshake* and you end up with a lovely frothy drink. Voila! So delicious! (And I always use fresh eggs from people I know.)