24 February 2010

egg in my face

I need to know how to make a poached egg well and consistently. mine all explode or end up uneven or the yolk overcooks etc.


Omnivore said...

A little vinegar in the water will help keep the egg intact--something to do with surface tension.

An egg poacher from Williams-Sonoma will help, too. ;) I like to drop a little pat of butter in each of the egg holders.

As for knowing when the thing is done but not overdone, it's a feel/preference thing, but I usually start the toast in the toaster the second the white is all white and not translucent anymore and flip the eggs on the toast as soon as its done.

Obviously my toaster may not be your toaster, but try it and then adjust as necessary...

cell member said...

Omnivore gives you a sensible technique with his suggestion of those little silicone cups. Honestly, while I don't use them, they seem too good to be true.

Here, in case you want to see, is the old-school way.


vp said...

thanks - I think I'm going to try omnivore's suggestion first since I cook about 1 out of a 100 days. though I did make an excellent omelette yesterday under the guidance of julia child. the trick is 2x more butter than you ever thought acceptable.

JZP said...

Alton Brown has the (overly-anal timing but otherwise excellent) trick of using custard cups/remmikens rather than specific poaching-dedicated hardware. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/poached-eggs-recipe/